Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Handsome Boy!

Today is Conner's week old birthday.  He is growing and changing every day.  His weight was up by 4 ounces on Monday, from Friday!  Today he looks like a Keels to me, that's my mom's side.  

I heard him cry for the first time yesterday.  I think I scared him when I clicked him into the car seat.  It was quite funny.  He is very mouthy though.  I wish I could record it and post it here; he's just letting us know how he's feeling. 

Riley is doing well.  She still needs her time with me.  Yesterday I was holding Conner in the recliner where I typically hold Riley.  She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes then lit up when I invited her into my lap.  It was good to hold both of my babies!

Jeff and I are settling in as well.  I am pretty much back to my old self, pain in minimal.  I'm still restricting my driving and trying to restrict my lifting.  Jeff went back to work on Monday and is picking up the slack where needed.  

I'm thankful for my generous friends who have brought us dinner and a friendly visit.  I'm especially thankful for my mom who has been with us since last Tuesday.  It has been a great comfort to have her here.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finally to 2

January 19, 2011 at 10:09 Conner Grant McNeil joined our family.  He weighed in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces, 22 inches long. 

 Daddy is proud.  Conner has been such a good baby and Riley has been a good big sister.

My heart sings!